Xiongmao: Snake Hunter

Our cat Xiongmao. He's a bit small and his tail is short and puffy, but he's got a big heart... and apparently he's also somewhat brave.

Our cat Xiongmao. He’s a bit small and his tail is short and puffy, but he’s got a big heart… and apparently he’s also somewhat brave.

While I was showering the other morning, Angela called in to me and said that I should be extra nice to our cat Xiongmao because he had killed a snake.

I don’t like to hear or even think about snakes, especially not when I’m naked, but this intrigued me. After making sure Xiongmao was OK (and finishing my shower), I went to our front door, where Angela showed me this:

Yeah, it's not really big, but it was about 70 cm of gross. A few of my students said it was a boa. Sorry snake. I've got no beef with you, but you do freak out my shit. Let's just avoid each other at all times, OK?

Yeah, it’s not really big, but it was about 70 cm of gross. A few of my students said it was a boa. Sorry snake. I’ve got no beef with you, but you do freak out my shit. Let’s just avoid each other at all times, OK?

Yep, that’s a snake! We didn’t know if it was still alive, actually, but judging by the strange kinks in its body, we reckoned it wasn’t. So we buried it in the yard, and I commissioned an investigation to think about the event.

See, we didn’t actually see Xiongmao with the snake. I suppose it could have just slithered up to the front porch and died. And I suppose that Xiongmao could have killed it in a field somewhere and brought it to our front porch to show off (if that’s the case, though, then he’s kind of an idiot). And I suppose that another cat could have killed it and brought it to our house but if that’s the case, it wasn’t another cat of ours (our other two were locked in the Formerly Crappy Casita). Xiongmao is the “outside” cat since he likes to patrol the lot, scare away small dogs, and apparently kill snakes.

"I get that snake towed all the way to your front porch and all you've got for me is a LIGHT BEER??"

“I get that snake towed all the way to your front porch and all you’ve got for me is a LIGHT BEER??”

Actually, Xiongmao is our youngest cat, but he’s also the only one we let stay outside since he seems to never leave the lot and get into trouble (or the street, or the pig farm, or other stupid mischief that could get himself killed). He’s also really sweet and calm, especially compared to our “Loser” cat Boner. So Chubby has been our undisputed Starting Cat for a long time, but now I’m wondering if we’ll have to move Xiongmao up in the rankings.

Anyhow, wherever you are, thanks for reading, and stay safe from both snakes and cats!

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
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