Crazy…Like a Fo…OK, Maybe Just Crazy

So I’m near Philly now visiting my buddy Chris. He lives near a halfway house, and most of the people that live there have some sort of mental issue, as well as a semi-criminal background. We were standing outside last night, and one of the guys came out and talked to us. You know how people say that there’s a thin line between crazy and brilliant? This guy was square on that line, and it was freaking me out. When crazy people are at least ranting bullshit, it’s one thing, but when they admit that they’re crazy, plus have command over a staggering vocabulary, it’s rather disconcerting. Plus, he was claiming he was a prophet, and some of the things he talked about were things that I’d been thinking of on my own. Like the idea that there’s something in the air these days, and there’s a big change coming.
Oh yeah, and he had pictures of demons on his cell phone. One was really freaky.
So that’s what I’m thinking about these days.
Pennsylvania is cool, also. We went to Atlantic City to see Laura, toured the QVC studios, and went to Amish country.

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
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