Well, it’s only taken me months of preparation and about 20 hours of work at an internet cafe (no need to thank me; I like to use chairs that prevent me from feeling my shins), but I have finally finished the wedding picture pages on http://www.ryansitzman.com/ . You should check them out. They’re really pretty good. There are the official pictures from Brad Bonner, as well as five smaller pages of pictures from friends and family. You can get to them by going to the site and clicking on “Pictures” on the left. From there, go to “Wedding,” one of the yellow buttons on the top of the page.
I hope you enjoy them.
I have also added a few smaller things to the page recently, and if you’d like to look at them, you can subscribe to the ryansitzman.com VIP area.
Yeah, right. Just kidding. If you want to see what’s new, click on the “What’s New?” button on the left of the site.
Have a good one!
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