Internet This!

By the way, not that anyone really checks out too much, but I have been putting up quite a few new pages in the last month or so. I put up picture pages from Angela and my wedding reception in Colorado, a Mixed Bag page that has pictures that go all the way back to 2004 or so, a second series of Costa Rica pictures from 2007, and pictures from our visit to the U.S. over last Christmas. So, have a look at them. If you know me, there’s even a good chance that you’ll see yourself in one of the pictures. I’m also planning on getting some different sorts of pages up in the coming weeks and months, so be on the lookout. You can see what’s new by going to the homepage at, and then clicking on the “What’s New?” link on the left.
Also, my brother Paul’s site is expanding, and it’s pretty good. As you possibly know, he and I are in a race to finish our A-Z music reviews. He’s on B and I’m on J, but he’s gaining ground pretty damn fast. In any case, his site is pretty cool, and it also has the videos that he’s been making in his film classes, which are pretty cool. There is a link on the left of this page, or you can go directly to
Either way, this will help you kill a few hours at work.
Have a good one.

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
Hey! I'm Ryan Sitzman, the person in charge of Sitzblog. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my profile on Google or go to my personal site, You can also click on any of the redundant little boxes to the left and it should take you to my profiles for all kinds of social networks. Thanks!

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