And Now, Here’s One For All You German-Wannabes Out There

As I was recently looking at some articles from, an online German news source, I came across a series of tests to determine one’s “German-ness.” Apparently, these 6 tests will be given to people who want to become German citizens. We give a similar test in the US, and I may have to take a test like this when I try to apply for Costa Rican citizenship sometime next year.

So, feeling a bit nostalgic for my German-studying and Germany-loving days, I took a few of the tests. There are 33 questions in each test, and to pass you need to answer at least 17 questions correctly. And, to be honest, they’re pretty easy. For the first one I took, I choked a bit and only got 28 correct, but on the second one I tried, I got a 100%! Still got it!

Anyhow, if you’re down with the Deutsch, check them out by following this link, and tell me how you do. (Obviously, you have to understand German to do them, or else just guess really well).

Good luck!

(Picture taken by me in my trip of 2006).

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
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One thought on “And Now, Here’s One For All You German-Wannabes Out There

  1. Hi Ryan,

    auch ich habe es geschaff! Gott sei Dank! Was wäre sonst nach all den Jahren in Deutschland? Ich würde wohl nach Schweden zurückgeschickt werden?!?

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