Podcasts and Posts

In case you’re interested, I wrote an article outlining some of my favorite podcasts in my other blog, SitzmanABC. You can read the article here. Generally that blog is about language learning, but some of the podcast information may be interesting even if you’re not trying to learn English (or another language).
Also, I just noticed that this is my 600th post on Sitzblog! My, how time flies! Thanks for reading, and here’s to 600 more!
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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
Hey! I'm Ryan Sitzman, the person in charge of Sitzblog. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my profile on Google or go to my personal site, RyanSitzman.com. You can also click on any of the redundant little boxes to the left and it should take you to my profiles for all kinds of social networks. Thanks!

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