Picture of the Day, December 14, 2009

I came across a few cool pictures that I liked today. The first is the Picture of the Day, and it’s a picture of my student Lily’s feet:

Angela and I were at Lily’s house because her mom Lucy is my Mentor Teacher –my “boss,” although she says she dislikes that word. Lucy gave us a ride to San José for an in-service day for our work, and even gave us some delicious rotisserie chicken for dinner when we got back. Her daughter Lily was barefooting it for a while, but once she put on these striped gems, a light went on over my head and I thought “Picture of the Day.” In any case, thanks, Lily, for letting me take pictures of your feet!
While we were at Lucy’s house, we also talked with her husband Wilson about his work. Wilson is an artist that carves bowls out of recycled and found wood. It’s a pretty fascinating process, and his work is beautiful. The logs in the picture above –runner-up for Picture of the Day, by the way– are the raw materials he gets, and by the end he comes up with finished pieces that look like this. It was really interesting to see how he did it.
This part was the most interesting for me: he has a machine that grabs on to and spins the wood, and he carves it out bit by bit. After this step, the bowls look like the three below, but there are still quite a few steps to go.

For some dumb reason, I didn’t take any pictures of the final products, but you can check out quite a few on his website at www.wilsonarcemendez.com. They’re pretty fantastic!

So, that’s all for today, but tomorrow we’re going to Pata de Gallo, a town down the hill from Berlín. I have a feeling that any place named “rooster foot” is bound to have a potential Picture of the Day, and all I have to do is find it!

Until then!

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
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2 thoughts on “Picture of the Day, December 14, 2009

  1. Ha ha, thanks for what I think is a compliment to my photography… but what does that mean for your kids? Are they a geographic curiosity? 🙂
    Just kidding, you’re family’s great, and they’re always Picture of the Day quality!

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