As I mentioned before, now that it’s November, I’ll be writing a novel. I now officially have only 29 days left to go, after all. You can follow the progress, I believe, by clicking on this link. My brother Paul is also doing this project, and I believe that my friend Brad will be doing it, too, at least if he can hide it from his wife. The site seems to be very busy now at the start of the month, but apparently the traffic slows down within a few days…you can search for me by looking for “Sitzman,” and Paul is “P Sitzman.” Brad thinks he’ll be “BBonner.” Also, my word counter is only changed when I change it, so without internet access, it may stay the same for a few days at a time. But rest assured that I’m using all of my free time to write a coffee-drunk novel to make you laugh, cry, and cringe.
Finally, I’ll be trying to load up a bunch of pictures throughout November so that Sitzblog won’t be completely neglected. My ideal plan will be to have one picture a day, but we’ll see how the logistics of that work out. Some of the pictures will be new, some will be old, but I’ll try to find ones that are interesting or significant to me. The idea will be to do some sort of “close reading” or analysis of the pictures. I will also try to only use pictures that I took, or else that feature me in some way. It’s all part of the ego-tripping that is Sitzblog–and it’s also an attempt to avoid copyright-based litigation.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the pictures, and I hope you enjoy November. And in the immortal words of the gentle poet Axl Rose*: “Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain.”
*PS: Apparently after a few centuries of eager anticipation, Guns N’ Roses fans will finally be treated to the new GNR album, “Chinese Democracy,” sometime near the end of this month. I imagine there might be a bit of lag time before it makes it to Palmares, but you can be pretty sure that when it does, the November Novel will have to take a backseat for a few days!
Latest posts by Sitzman (see all)
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- Chewbacca - September 27, 2018
- Sitzbook Review: “Star Wars – A New Hope” by George Lucas - September 27, 2018
- Camping in a Van Down by the River - September 24, 2018
Erotic Fiction, huh?