
Last night I wrote a quick review of Helen Russell’s excellent book The Year of Living Danishly. I mentioned that I’d read other books about Scandinavia lately, including The Almost Nearly Perfect People by Michael Booth, and that I’d like to maybe review it sometime.

Well, I did review it sometime, namely a little over two years ago! You can read that review here if you’d like. I actually reread it myself and I liked some of the quotes I chose from the book. In fact, I even used the same featured image in both posts! Dang, I must be getting old and stupid!

Anyhow, to partially make up for being so spacey, I want to include one quote from The Year of Living Danishly that I also meant (and forgot, of course) to include in last night’s post. Here we go, from page 342:

“[…]it’s no wonder Danes are so happy. They have an obscenely good quality of life. Yes, it’s expensive here. But it’s Denmark – it’s worth it. I don’t mind paying more for a coffee here because I know that it means the person serving me doesn’t a) hate me or b) have a crappy life. Everyone is paid a decent wage, everyone is looked after, and everyone pays their taxes, just as I pay mine. And if we all have marginally less money to buy more stuff that we don’t really need anyway as a result, well I’m starting to think it’s a deal worth making.”

I hope to visit Denmark again someday. Someday soon.

Thanks for reading!

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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
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