One good thing about babies: They’re really gullible and always fall for the “pull my finger” trick. Also, I’ll be honest: It’s awesome that I can take a nap at 3 in the afternoon on a weekday. That’s gotta help one’s general outlook towards parenthood.
Will was born one month ago, and it’s been a great month. It’s pretty crazy how quickly it’s passed, but I have had a bit of time to reflect on everything.
Mainly, I’m just very happy. I’d thought I’d be happy to have a baby, but I knew there would be challenges. Of course, there are many to come still, but so far the good parts of having a kid have incredibly outweighed the difficult things.
A lot of that has to do with the Will’s personality, probably. I know it’s hard to really nail down any personality traits this early in the game; to paraphrase the comedian Louis C.K., when people asks what his baby is like, he says, “Have you ever seen a baby before? OK, she’s exactly like that.” Still, he seems like a pretty easygoing baby so far. If he’s crying, it’s because he wants food or because he wants more food. That’s really about it so far, which is good, since he can’t talk. I’m sure that is one aspect that will become a bit more challenging (but also rewarding) as he develops.

I look really tense here. Feeding him is actually pretty easy, but this was the first time we’d tried a bottle, and we didn’t know if he’d go for it. He totally fell for it, though.
I’m also happily surprised that he doesn’t cry all the time and that when he does, it’s for really short periods, and it’s not really bugged me yet. Knock on wood. He’ll sleep for pretty long stretches of time and when he wakes up, it’s mainly just to eat.
I’d also predicted that our schedules–or lack thereof–would possibly be an asset, and that turned out to be incredibly true. If I had to wake up early every day to go to a job, I’m sure I’d be not be writing a very different blog post, since I’d not have the time to write one at all. But the fact that I work in the evenings and then afterwards can keep an eye on Will until 2, 3, or even 4 in the morning has been really helpful, as is the fact that he’ll drink milk from a bottle. And our particular circumstance, with Angela getting 4 months of paid maternity leave (that’s a Costa Rican law), makes us extra fortunate.
So yeah. I don’t mean to fart rainbows at you, but things are pretty good. Let’s hope they stay that way!
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glad its going so well!!!! baby is super lovely!!
Thanks, Lucy! Did you see the pics with you guys?