Category Archives: Uncategorized
Cool Map
I recently came across this interactive map of Google autocomplete results on an interesting site called [...Read More]
Found It!
I found it! (Although this should by no means be considered an endorsement): [...Read More]
June 2012 Pictures of the Day
Hi! I've been pretty busy, but of course I wasn't so busy that I couldn't fit some picture-taking in! [...Read More]
I Guess I’m Officially A Teacher
Earlier today, I was looking for a Star Wars quote on IMDB for a post on Costa Rica Outsider, and I came [...Read More]
Son of a Biscuit
How's that for a non-profane title? It's all I can do right now to not break out into an incredibly obscene [...Read More]
It’s Groundhog Day
And here's our weatherman Bill Murray with the forecast: [...Read More]