
Just a quick re-cap from Blogtoberfest: It was awesome! Many thanks to everyone who checked out the posts. I actually got up to 31, which is one more than last year. We’ll have to see what I can get done next year!
I’ll also include the Pictures of the Day from October if you’d like to check them out. You can see larger versions of them and the October Leftovers on flickr, or you can just check out the slideshow here:
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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
Hey! I'm Ryan Sitzman, the person in charge of Sitzblog. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my profile on Google or go to my personal site, You can also click on any of the redundant little boxes to the left and it should take you to my profiles for all kinds of social networks. Thanks!

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