So No One Else Is Going To Say It, Huh?

Well, if everyone else is just too scared to admit it, I guess I’ll just have to come right out and say it, then:

I, Ryan Sitzman, love Guns N’ Roses new album, “Chinese Democracy.”

That’s right, I think it’s excellent. Oh, and by the way, I also think it’s on par with their earlier work. Yes, even with Axl being the only real remaining member of the original lineup. And yes, I’d mention it in the same breath as “Appetite For Destruction.” There, I said it.


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Errand-Running Monkey at Sitzblog
Hey! I'm Ryan Sitzman, the person in charge of Sitzblog. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my profile on Google or go to my personal site, You can also click on any of the redundant little boxes to the left and it should take you to my profiles for all kinds of social networks. Thanks!

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2 thoughts on “So No One Else Is Going To Say It, Huh?

  1. You sound like me with Motley Crue…

    I haven’t listened to it yet. I’ll have to do that.


  2. You shall have to do that. I like the Crüe, too, but it’s just not as good as Guns for me. Although, when I get a song stuck in my head, for some reason about 30% of the time, it’s “Tonight” by Crüe.

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